Curriculum vitae
My current CV
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I like building things...
... whether that is wooden furniture, an algorithm for interpreting multi-source data, or a motion capture system from commodity components. A wide variety of skills and expertise are needed in order to build things that solve problems. One needs the expertise to understand the context of the problem, and the skills to build the solution. I've been fortunate to gain expertise in many different areas by working and learning from experts in those areas as well as putting in the time and effort to gain hard skills in those areas.
In my 7 years working for IBM was able to build and hone skills in not ony software development and firmware development for small and very large projects, but also work on some of the first commercially available machine learning software for healthcare. During my master's degree I focused on machine learning topics and was able to directly apply that knowledge to problems addressed by IBM's Watson for Healthcare products. After some time, I realized that the knowledge I had in machine learning was not adequate enough, while at the same time discovering a passion for better understanding the mysteries of the brain.
I made the adventurous decision to pursue my interests in Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence, and temporarily leave Industry. I am currently in the final steps of finishing a PhD at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU) where I am a member of the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN). For the first half of my PhD I was lucky to perform research in the Biomimetic Robotics and Machine Learning (BRML) lab in coordination with the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), with the last couple years as part of, the Machine Learning Research Lab of Volkswagen AG. Working in these groups and in collaboration with others has deepened my skills and understanding of machine learning and allowed me to gain broader expertise in many research areas.
These new skills and new expertise have allowed me to build several things over that last few years that help solve problems in research and discover new knowledge. You will find descriptions of some of these projects in my Research.